Friday, January 30, 2009

Field Trip

Private schools were off today so BJ, Mickayla, Rayanna & Chloe hung out with the boys. We wanted to go on an adventure. We all walked up to Foodland to put our pennies in the coinstar machine. BJ is the oldest so he was in charge of figuring out what to do.

Everyone is so curious and trying to work as a team to figure it out.

BJ figures out you have to dump the pennies in the tray and lift it up to feed the machine.

Whoa? Gimme my $6.20!!!

While waiting Mason passes time with a game.

I just had to take a picture of these beautiful Valentine cookies. I'm thinking I'll try and make some like these at home.

We got our money and headed over to Price Busters.

Don't mess with us Kalihi kids!

BJ and his finishing move.

Smile?? Where's Bj??

Oh there he is..."Who loves Aunty Ashley"?

What a fun day out with 6 kids. People thought they were all mine. I love lettting them think it too. It makes me laugh!!

1 comment:

algreig said...

What fun, the kind of think I like to do! Beautiful pics with beautiful kids Ash!