Sunday, February 24, 2008

My 10th Chemo treatment on Heart Day

Valentine’s week was a busy week for me. On Monday, 2/11 I was feeling a little dizzy and lightheaded but thought it was because I wasn’t eating the right foods. All who are around me know that the crazy steroids they have me on have caused me to gain about 25 pounds in about 2 weeks. My face has the classic “moon shape” of chemo and all my clothes are super tight. Who knew chemo would make you fat???? Anyway, I’ve been eating so badly and not enough fruits and veggies that I thought that was the reason for feeling so blah. Anyway, when I went for my blood test on Monday I was told my red blood count was way down and needed a blood transfusion the next day so my body would be able to receive chemo on Thursday. I went in the next day for my blood transfusion and felt way better after.

On Valentine’s Day I went in for my 10th treatment and felt great but on Friday I was feeling weird again. I went home from work and went to the ER. I needed to get a couple of bags of fluid and antibiotics for what seemed like a cold coming on. I felt better that night and way better the next day. The one good thing that came out of my week of hearts is that I got another x-ray of my chest. As you can see the picture on the left was taken about 7 weeks ago. The tumor has shrunk a lot. I’m so happy. Do you guys remember my first blog post of the tumor before any chemotherapy? (go to my previous posts and compare. It’s mind-boggling) HOLY COW it was huge. It seems like so long that I’ve been first told of having Hodgkins lymphoma and now I feel like it’s almost over and I can get back to normal…size that is..hahaha.


algreig said...

hi ash, i am so encouraged as I know you are to see the differences in your chest scans--amazing! I am still praying for complete healing and that when the time comes to check you out again, that miraculously your tumor will have completely vanished!

Unknown said...

*wooohooo* I'm so "HAPPY" that it's almost over!!! I'm keeping you in my prayers...Anyways, take care of your sweet and beautiful self.

Love yah,

CatManapua said...
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CatManapua said...

it's great to see you're on your way to a full recovery. keep kickin butt dude!!!

da lams...