Friday, February 8, 2008

The Waiting Room

Yesterday was my 9th Chemo treatment. I have three more treatments to go…YAY! After I’m done I’ll get a scan of my chest and abdomen and we’ll decide on radiation treatment. Our guess right now is Monday – Friday for three weeks. I’ll keep you guys updated on that. I just had to share the picture above because I got some kind of nuclear chemo medication where I had to wear a mask and the nurse had to go full gown and mask. It was a little scary but I couldn’t help but laugh.

Anyway, my doctor is part of On Care Hawaii. This is a team of oncologists located at Queen’s POB II. When you walk into their office you have many people there waiting to see one of the twelve doctors. It’s often very busy because you can do your labs and chemo treatment in the same office. Even though I hate waiting I don’t mind waiting in this office. I like to observe everyone. I like to make sure I smile at everyone in there because we are apart of a group that no one wants to be a part of. But once you're in it you have this new respect for everyone going through cancer and don't mind being part of the cancer crowd. Well not me anyway. I want to tell everyone I have cancer and share my story. I want to make sure that people know I'm here if they need to talk because cancer is a beast and no one should face it alone. I just hope and pray that all of them have the same support that I have. Like I said before, I could have not done this alone. You are all part of my cancer fighting team and that’s the reason why I’m doing so well at this point. Aside from the…totally kidding. I like when I’m in there and smile and start to make friends. I love hearing their stories about how they found out about having cancer and how it makes them feel. Sometimes people just need to have someone listen and I can see it makes them feel better even if for a little while.

I also realize while I’m sitting in the waiting room that I have been given a second chance in life. I have a second chance to dream new dreams and have new goals. I have a second chance to love others and a second chance to be happy. A second chance to realize to live life to the fullest and have wings to fly. I have to thank cancer for making me realize all of this.

I was reading a book in the waiting room and this quote was in there:

“HOLDING ON” Sometimes, the emotions all come at once. Fear, sadness, confusion, and determination overwhelm me. It’s then I need to “hold on”- to my family, friends and faith for support. Soon the moment passes; I’ve gained strength and can continue to embrace the day and my life living with cancer.

I read that quote and just started crying. It is so true. Thank you to all my friends and family who have come together to fully support me and make sure I knew I wasn’t going to be doing this alone.


Anonymous said...

we are all holding on to the future with you. I am so glad your ordeal with chemo is almost over.
I love you, love you, love you plenty.


Anonymous said...


Yes cancer is a beast but this beast is dealing with an amazing woman. Your perspective on your ordeal is absolutely a blessing to me. Keep on smiling in that waiting room and everywhere else that this journey takes you. And yes go ahead and cry when you need to. You have every reason to cry.

My love and prayers~~~
LaVerne (friend of your mom/law)

Gerard Elmore said...

Hi Ashley,

Hang in there!

You are doing great and look great!

Got your lovely card and yes, you are going to rule the world soon!

It's only a matter of time!

Warmest aloha!


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you and all your strength! You are an amazing woman and I just love you! I can see you in the waiting room with this beautiful smile! Your courage and family support can get you thru anything! I have all the faith in you! Keep on smiling!
Love and Aloha Always,
Kate-lynn :)