Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Chemo week three - check!

As you know last week didn’t start off so great. Luckily the shot to boost my white cell count worked almost instantly and my blood work on Thursday showed normal levels. I’m on a very intense and aggressive chemo regime. Instead of six months of treatment I will only have three. But, that means the medicine is much stronger and will probably make me sicker during the shorter period. Every third week I have to do my regular chemo on Thursday and a “booster” chemo day on Friday. Oh my gosh! It was the toughest week so far. On Thursday they had to pump me with two types of nausea medication. It knocked me out. I slept through Chemo and came home to sleep another 15 hours. I got up maybe twice to use the bathroom. That was bad because I didn’t eat. I felt too weak to get up for my “booster” session. We made it there in time. I just felt weak, tired and nauseated. Again, I was pumped with the same nausea medication before starting treatment. The whole weekend my body would switch between feeling ok to feeling junk.

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