Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Wiggin' Out

So I finally decided I needed to go wig shopping. I logged onto the American Cancer Society website and the first wig shop they listed was Hino Hairstyles. It was so funny because as you all know my hair makes me emotional. I just start crying like a crazy lady. Actually, I start crying now for no reason. It’s really like I’m pregnant and my hormones are whacked out. Anyway, I got the phone number and started to call Hino Hairstyles. I was perfectly fine until the lady on the other side answered “Hino Hairstyles this is Joann”. I started to bawl. She could hardly understand me but made out that I have cancer and am looking for a wig. She was so nice to me. She told me I sounded young and not to worry because they see lots and lots of women my age with Cancer. Also, she said because of my age I’d have more fun choosing from a wider variety of wigs. She told me to go to their other store on Kalakaua Ave. instead of their Ala Moana Shopping Center store because I’d feel more comfortable. Not so many people at the other store. Keoki took me that morning and I had so much fun trying about 30 wigs. I settled for a longer wig. Keoki called it a “10” so I had to get it. I even got compliments when I wore it to my chemo session on Thursday. I met a girl at chemo and she loved it so much that I had to email her the brand, style and color. I thought that was so cool to talk about wigs. Thank you to Joann and Gordon from Hino Hairstyles for making me feel beautiful. I might be back for a super short one J

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